Workplace Grievances – There is another way!

Workplace Grievances – There is another way!

Are workplace grievances taking up all your time?
Do you find that workplace grievances actually damage working relationships more than fix them?
Do you wish there was a better way to resolve conflict at work?

There is another way!

Ask any HR person, and they will tell you that they do everything they can to avoid an employee raising a grievance.  It’s because they know that there are usually no winners in a grievance process and it doesn’t get to the root cause of the conflict.

Here are some reasons why grievances are so bad for us:

  • They can be time-consuming and costly for both the employee and the employer. The process of investigating and resolving a grievance can take weeks or even months, during which time the employee may be unable to work and the employer may have to divert resources away from other tasks.
  • Grievances can create an adversarial atmosphere in the workplace, which can be damaging to employee morale and productivity. Employees may become disengaged and less committed to their work if they feel that their employer is not treating them fairly.
  • Grievances can damage relationships between employees and employers. The process of a grievance can lead to feelings of mistrust and resentment, making it more difficult for the parties to work together effectively in the future.
  • Grievances can be a distraction from more important business issues. Employers may become so focused on resolving a grievance that they lose sight of more important matters that need their attention.
  • A grievance process may not necessarily lead to the best outcome for the parties involved. The decision made by the person responsible for grievance process may be perceived as unfair or biased, leading to further dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction.

Ultimately it is someone else making the decision or attempting to solve the problem.  It isn’t treating employees like adults, and empowering them to make their own decisions.

But there is another way.  Something that can be so transformational – mediation.

Here are some reasons why mediation can be so much better:

  • Mediation is often quicker and less expensive than a grievance process.  A mediation session can be scheduled and completed within a few days or weeks whereas a grievance can take several months to resolve.
  • Mediation is less formal than a grievance process and allows for more open and flexible discussions.  This can lead to more creative solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of the parties.
  • Meditation can help to preserve relationships between parties.  The process is designed to be collaborative, rather than adversarial, which can help to reduce tensions and build trust between the parties.
  • Mediation allows the parties to have control over the outcome.  They can craft a solution that works for them, rather than having a decision imposed on them by a third party.
  • Mediation can beu sed early on in the dispute resolution process, before the issues become more entrenched and difficult to resolve.
  • Mediation allows the parties to have a confidential and private discussion, which can be beneficial for sensitive or delicate matters.

If I have managed to convince you that meditation is the key to resolving conflict and saving you a lot of time, money and grief, please get in contact for a free, no obligation call to discuss your needs further. If you would like some support, I’d love to help you – email me on [email protected]